News Archive
- March 27, 2024: Dr. Berke is recognized again as the University-wide Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year. He is the first recipient ever to win the award twice.
- Feb 29, 2024: Our co-author paper "LGBTQ + engineering students’ recommendations for sustaining and supporting diversity in STEM" is available at the Journal of LGBT Youth, with Dr. Berke as a co-author.
- Feb 25, 2024: Our co-author paper "The Identity-Related Experiences of LGBTQ+ Students in Engineering Spaces" is available at the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, with Dr. Berke and Lindsey Rowley as co-authors.
- Feb 23, 2024: Dr. Berke is recognized as the Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year for the whole College of Engineering.
- Feb 21, 2024: Dr. Berke is recognized as the MAE Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year.
- April 8, 2022: Dr. Berke is awarded tenure with promotion to Associate Professor. Thank you very much to the students and supporters who helped this to happen.
- June 22, 2021: Dr. Nadia Kouraytem (USU) is awarded $800,000 from the US Department of Energy, with Dr. Berke as a Co-PI.
- Nov 16-19, 2020: The lab presents a combined nineteen (19) posters/talks at the ASME Virtual Conference.
- Nov 10-13, 14-17, 2019: The lab presents a combined 15 posters/talks at the annual ASME conference in Salt Lake City, followed by 3 posters at the annual meeting of oSTEM in Detroit, MI. And we thought SEM was busy!
- Nov 13, 2018: Prof. Berke is elected Chair of ASME's committee on Experimental Mechanics.
Samantha Burton not pictured
- Feb 23, 2018: Prof. Berke is recognized as the MAE Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year for the third consecutive year.
- Dec 19, 2017: Dr. Berke gives a keynote talk at the 2nd International Symposium on Image-based Metrology (ISIMet).
- Nov 10, 2017: Dr. Berke gives a seminar at Lehigh University.
- Feb 24, 2017: Prof. Berke is recognized as the MAE Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year for the second consecutive year.
- Jan 9, 2017: Experimental Solid Mechanics is now permanently listed as MAE 5040 and will be offered every Fall.
- Nov 15, 2016: Prof. Berke is elected Vice Chair of ASME's committee on Experimental Mechanics.
- Feb 19, 2016: Prof. Berke is recognized as the MAE Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year.
- Feb 19, 2016: Prof. Berke gives a seminar at Oak Ridge National Lab at Oak Ridge, TN.
- Nov 12, 2015: Prof. Berke gives a seminar at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, MD.
- Nov 5, 2015: Prof. Berke gives a seminar at the Army Research Lab in Aberdeen, MD.
- August 2015: Prof. Berke gives two seminars at Idaho National Lab
- Apr 1, 2015: Prof. Berke gives a seminar at the University of Utah
- Feb 9, 2015: Prof. Berke awarded RGS PhD Assistantship for Fall 2015
- Jan 1, 2015: Prof. Ryan Berke joins MAE faculty at USU